
发布时间:2013-11-04 共1页

  Unit 3
  1. You might argue that these sentences are somewhat unnatural.
  2. Certainly, users of the standard forms of English in the United Kingdom generally understand their equivalents in the United States.
  3. A second common misconception about language is that words have fixed and clear meanings.
  4. We expect to learn it as we learned geometry or how to ride a bicycle------- systematically, and with clear ultimate success.
  1. Part of the pleasure and genius of language may well arise out of this slight “misuse” of words.
  2. They have in fact embarked on an activity that could last the rest of their lives.
  3. There are several men missing in that chess set.
  4. The boat was manned entirely by women and children.
  1. 语言学习是一段无尽的航程。Language is an endless journey.
  2. 当今世界人们使用的语言数以千万计,每一种都错综复杂。Nowadays thousands of languages are used in the world, each one is very complex.
  3. When we talk about learning a language like English, Japanese or Spanish, we speak and think as though the language in question were a fixed unchanging thing. 当我们谈论诸如英语,日语或西班牙语的时候,我们说话或思考问题似乎所谈论的语言是固定不变的.
  4. Dialect-users in these countries, however, have serious problems understanding each other, to the extent that they may wonder if they are actually using the same language. 然而这些国家使用方言的人彼此之间的理解有很大的障碍,以至于达到这样一个程度:他们可能会惊奇于他们是否确实在使用着同一种语言.


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