
发布时间:2012-09-04 共11页

  1. hammering the market 打压市场
  2. handling charge 手续费
  3. harmony of fiscal and monetary policies 财政政策和金融政策的协调
  4. hedge 套头交易
  5. hedge against inflation 为防通货膨胀而套购
  6. hedge buying 买进保值期货
  7. hedge fund 套利基金
  8. hedging mechanism 规避机制
  9. hedging risk 套期保值风险
  10. hire purchase 租购
  11. hit the bid 拍板成交
  12. hoarded money 储存的货币
  13. holding the market 托盘
  14. horizontal price movement 横盘
  15. hot issue 抢手证券
  16. hot money deposits 游资存款
  17. hot stock 抢手股票
  18. house property tax 房产税
  19. hypothecation 抵押

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