


A multicultural person is someone who is deeply

concerned that all culture are equally good,1.

enjoys learning the rich variety of cultures in the world,

or most likely has been exposed to more than one2.

culture in his or her lifetime. You cannot motivate

anyone, especially someone of the other culture,3.

until that person has accepted you. A multilingual

person can explain the advantages of a product with4.

other languages, but a multicultural salesperson can

motivate foreigners to buy it. Thats a critic difference.5.

No one likes foreigners who are arrogant about their

own culture. Customers are turned off by monocultural

salespeople. The trouble is, most people are arrogant6.

monocultural without being aware of it. And even those

who are aware of it cannot hide. Foreigners sense7.

monocultural arrogance at once and set up their culture8.

barriers, effectively block any attempt by the9.

monocultural person to motivate them. Multiculturalism

is a requirement that has neglected too often10.

in hiring managements for international positions.

And this neglect is affecting every industry.