
发布时间:2011-07-27 共1页

•1. Any units or organization would put up notices to announce their activities at any time. A notice usually includes the following items: time and date, place, the event or activity, and sometimes the requirements. There is no strict format of writing a notice. You just feel free in writing it.

•2. The short-term objective we would set for our company is to secure 25% of the existing market by the end of 2002. This would provide a firm basis for further expansion from 2003 onwards. Long-term objectives are discussed in detail in our report. (5 marks)

•3. The strategy we would advice to achieve the objective is to offer customers leasing facilities instead of outright purchase. A draft leasing agreement is being drawn up by our legal department and this will be made available within the next few days.

•4. A return envelope that requires no postage is enclosed for your convenience in replying. (2 marks)

•5. We have taken steps to prevent any repetition of such mistakes, and we request you to accept our apologies for the error of our clerk. (3 marks)






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