

  在美国的时候我最喜欢看一档节目"Project Runway"(好像中文版翻译成《天桥风云》)。这是一个选设计师的节目,主持人是一代超模Heidi Klum,她的口头禅是"One day you're in, one day you are out."这句话是个pun(双关),既是在说这场选秀的残酷,又指fashion的变化之快。所以out这个小词除了我们经常用的"出去"意思之外,也有"过时"的意思。你可以说In the U.S., if you are still booking a hotel via telephone, you are totally out.(在美国,如果你还在通过电话订酒店,你就真的落伍了。) 英译汉知多少?
   out在口语里面还有不少其他意思。比如我说 Since we dont have enough money, a fancy dinner is out.(既然我们没有那么多的钱,那么一顿餐就是不现实的啦~)所以out还有"不在选择之列"的意思。
   out还有个很时髦的意思,就是"出柜",哈哈! The tabloid article outed a famous actor from Hong Kong.(一篇八卦新闻曝光了香港一位著名男演员的性取向)。或者也可以说 Linsay Lohan came out after being taken a picture at the lesbian bar.(Linsay Lohan在被拍到逛les吧之后出柜了)我好像太八卦了一点...
  来北京前我忘记带手机充电器了,所以Yesterday my cellphone ran out of battery and has been out for more than 24 hours. "手机没电"除了可以说"dead"之外还可以用"out of battery"~ 出门在外手机没电可是一个out-and-out situation哦!out-and-out是一个idom,意思是very bad...
   Kaitlin教小词系列要每天坚持看哦~否则You'll be out of it!(跟不上,掉队)