2014年高考英语冲刺 交际口语陷阱题(二)

发布时间:2014-06-03 共1页

  11. “May I borrow your paper?” “ ______.”
  A. By all means B. Never mind
  C. You are welcome D. Don’t mention it
  12. He pushed his way through the crowd, saying “_____.”
  A. Never mind B. With pleasure
  C. Go ahead D. Excuse me
  13. “Here’s what you asked for.” “______.”
  A. Many thanks B. Thank a lot
  C. Thanks you D. Thank you a lot
  14. “Can you spare me a few minutes now?” “______, but I’ll be free this afternoon.”
  A. No, I won’t B. Yes, with pleasure
  C. I’m not sure D. I’m afraid not
  15. “Would you like to turn that music down? I’m writing a letter.” “_____.”
  A. No, I’d like to B. No, please
  C. Yes, sorry. D. Yes, I’d like it.
  16. “You must find such long hours very tiring.” “______. I enjoyed it.”
  A. After all B. Never mind
  C. Not in the least D. That’s all right
  17. “Would you take this along to the office for me?” “_____.”
  A. That’s right B. With pleasure
  C. Never mind D. Not at all
  18. “Do you need any help with those heavy bags?” “No, thanks; _____.”
  A. Never mind B. All right
  C. I can manage D. You are welcome
  19. “Mr Smith is a kind person. I like to to work with him.” “In fact, everyone _______.”
  A. is B. does
  C. has D. likes
  20. “At lunch time I’d like to have a chat with you.” “Pardon, Have _____ with me?”
  A. when B. who
  C. which D. what
  21. “I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.” “______. It was her fault.”
  A. No way B. Not possible
  C. No chance D. Not at all
  11. 选A。by all means 表示同意,意为“完全可以”。
  12. 选D。excuse me 用作从别人面前经过时的礼貌用语,又如:Excuse me, could I get past? 对不起,让我过去好吗?
  13. 选A。若选B,则应改为Thanks a lot;若选C,则应改为 Thank you 或 Thanks;若选D,则应改为 Thank you very much 之类的。换句话说,thank 用作动词时,它是及物的,其后应有宾语;用作名词时,它通常要用复数形式。另外注意,英语中虽然可说 Thanks a lot,但习惯上不说 Thank you a lot。
  14. 选D。甲要乙现在抽出几分钟,而乙说要等下午才有空——也就是说,乙现在抽不出时间,所以选D最适合。
  15. 选C。从上下文语境来看,一方因音乐声放得太大已对另一方(正在写信)造成影响,所以选C较恰当。
  16. 选C。Not in the least 意为“一点也不”。注意联系下文的 I enjoyed it。
  17. 选B,with pleasure 主要用于回答请求或邀请。
  18. 选C。由句意推知。
  19. 选B。does 相当于 likes to work with him。注意不能选D,因为 like 是及物动词。
  20. 选D。答话人由于没有听清问话人的 chat 一词,故针对问话人的 have a chat with you,反问 have what with me?
  21. 选A。no way 的意思是“没门”。根据上下文的语境(尤其是It was her fault)可推知。

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