
发布时间:2012-04-21 共2页

  accept VS except

  accept:to receive 接收、接纳。

  例:Please accept my gift.

  except:not including 除……以外。

  例:We go to school everyday except Sunday.

  advice VS advise

  advice:opinion about what should be done 忠告、劝告(名词)

  例:She gives good advice.

  advise:to recommend 提出忠告(及物动词)

  例:Please advise me on what to do.

  affect VS effect

  affect:to influence 给予……影响。

  例:Do not let the loss affect you.

  effect:“a effect is a result” 结果。

  例:The loss did not have an effect on me.

  all ready VS already

  all ready:everything is ready 全都准备好

  例:We are all ready to move.

  already :previously 已经。

  例:We already moved our things yesterday.

  complement VS compliment

  complement:to make complete 补充。

  例:This hat will complement my new dress.

  compliment:A compliment is something said in praise 称赞。

  例:Thank you for the compliment about my dress.

  emigrate VS immigrate

  emigrate:to leave one country to settle in another (由本国以往他国)移民。

  例:I intend to emigrate from Hong Kong.

  immigrate:to come to live in a new country(由外国而来)移民。

  例:I intend to immigrate to Canada.

  past VS passed

  past :gone by or history 经过,过去、以往。

  例:The car drove past my house.

  My past is very interesting.


  例:We passed through the town without stopping.

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