
发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页

  use tax 使用税

  users tax 使用人头税

  utility tax 公用事业税

  vacant land tax 土地闲置税

  value added tax 增值税

  variable levy 差额税,差价税

  vehicle and vessel license-plate tax 车船牌照税

  vehicle and vessel use tax 车船使用税

  wages regulation tax 工资调节税

  wages tax 工资税

  war profit tax 战时利润税

  water utilization tax 水利受益税

  wealth /worth tax 财富税

  whisky tax 威士忌酒税

  windfall profit tax 暴利税

  window tax 窗税

  wine and tobacco tax 烟酒税

  wine duty 酒税

  withholding income tax 预提所得税

  withholding tax 预提税

  yield tax 收益税

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