
发布时间:2012-07-19 共6页

  Negligence 疏忽

  Nepotism 裙带关系

  Ombudsman 调查专员

  On-the-job training, OJT 在职培训

  Opportunity to perform 实践的机会

  Organizational analysis 组织分析

  Organizational capability 组织能力

  Orientation 导向培训

  Outplacement counseling 重新谋职咨询

  Output 产出

  Outsourcing 外包

  Panel interview 小组面试

  Pay-for-performance standard 按绩效的报酬标准

  Pay grade 工资等级

  Pay level 工资水平

  Pay-policy line 工资政策线

  Pay structure 工资结构

  Peer appraisal 同事评估

  Performance appraisal 绩效评价

  Performance feedback 绩效反馈

  Performance management 绩效管理

  Performance planning and evaluation (PPE) 绩效规划与评价系统

  Perquisites 津贴

  Person analysis 个人分析

  Person characteristics 个人特征

  Personnel selection 人员甄选

  Point system 积分法

  Position analysis questionnaire, PAQ 职位分析问卷调查

  Power distance 权力差距

  Predictive validation 预测效度

  Profit sharing 利润分享

  Promotion 晋升

  Protean career多变的职业

  Psychological contract 心理契约

  Psychological support 心理支持

  Range spread 工资范围跨度

  Readability 易读性

  Readiness for training 培训准备

  Reasoning ability推理能力

  Recruitment 招募

  Reengineering 流程再造

  Relational database 关联数据库

  Reliability 信度

  Repatriation 归国准备

  Replacement charts 替换表

  Request for proposal (REP)(培训)招标书

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