
发布时间:2011-09-29 共4页



  (45 minutes)
  Part A: Spot Dictation
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE.
  You might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true. These________ (1), or patties, actually came from Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century. They were brought to the United States by________(2) who came from the city of Hamburg. That is why ________(3)was "hamburger steak’
  However, people in other place________(4) that ’they invented the hamburger. Perhaps we’ll never have a ________(5).the there’s no question that the hamburger was a________ (6). Why? Perhaps because at that time, industry was growing and a kind of food was need_________(7) for workers.
  The hamburger became even more popular_________(8) when the first chain of fast food restaurants was started. This chain was called “White Castle”. It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only _________(9). Then, in the 1930s there came the _________(10) where customers were served in their cars by waiters in uniform. And the humburger was one of the most _________(11).
  By now, The hamburger was ready to_______(12) the world. And this happened with McDonald’s, which was actually a _________(13) at first. But by the early 1950s the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger. McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants ________(14) around the world throughout the rest of the twentieth century. McDonald’s alone has________(15) for everyone person in the world.
  The importance of the hamburger to _________(16) remains significant. About _______(17)of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers. According to some sources,_________(18)of current workers in the United States had their first job at McDonald’s . But the face of the hamburger is changing _______ (19). Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, ________(20),or veggie burger.
  Part B: Listening Comprehension
  1. Statements
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard .Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSER BOOKLET.
  l. (A) We were met by the head of the company at the airport.
  (B) We haw Mrs. Jones was the president of the company,.
  (C) Mrs. Jones used to be the secretary of the company
  (D) Mrs. Jones came to see us off at the airport.,
  2. (A) The board of directors asked about the changes.
  (B) The board ’of directors decided to invest more on the project.
  (C) The board of directors approved the revisions.
  (D) The board of directors could not understand her explanation.
  3. (A) Many university students prefer soft drinks to fresh fruits.
  (B) Most of them are first-or-second year college students
  (C) A number of college students refuse to disclose their identities
  (D) Not many students are interested in our research projects.
  4. (A) We decided to sell the car when the oil Prices rose.
  (B) We should not delay solving the problem of oil prices.
  (C) We were at a loss as to whether to buy that expensive car or not.
  (D) We didn’t buy a car because of the floating oil prices.
  5. (A )Most of them are from low-income belies.
  (B) Most of them are in favor of a tax cut.
  (C) I know the Congress will veto the tax reform.
  (D) I propose the tax reform be debated in the Congress.
  6. (A) Effective self management skills are key to academic and career success.
  (B) If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later
  (C) School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.
  (D) Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff
  7. (A) Mr. Paul White has just been fired.
  (B) Mr. Paul White has forgotten the woman’s name.
  (C) Mr. Paul White is looking for a job.
  (D) Mr. Paul White has the woman Promoted.
  8. (A) I shall give you a discount
  (B) The crisis is affecting the Whole world.
  (C) I shall come in my Sunday best.
  (D) The price is still too high.
  9. (A) He finished the negotiation in three days.
  (B) He was on a business trip ten days ago.
  (C) His toughness cost him three more days.
  (D) His business trip lasted thirteen days.
  l0. (A) We are sure that our children will become positive members of the changing society.
  (B) Children with self esteem can make positive adjustment and achieve career success.
  (C) Personal goals can be reached with the help of parents who are competent members of the society
  (D) Parents with confidence will adapt themselves to the changes and accomplish personal goals.
  2. Talks and Conversations
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear after questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
  Question8 11--14
  l 1. (A) The products were all made from fresh vegetables and fruits
  (B) The homemade products were actually made in the factory
  (C) The factory was equipped with the most sophisticated machinery
  (D) There were homemade fresh vegetables and fruits in the factory
  l2. (A) You are special. (B) You are natural.
  (C) You are stupid. (D) You are dumb
  l3. (A) To better explain how to use that product.
  (B) To help reduce the promotion cost of that product.
  (C) To induce more famous people to use that product.
  (D) To get TV viewers to remember that product.
  l4. (A) Be easily affected by other products.
  (B) Be aware of the same kind of product.
  (C) Stick to that particular product. -
  (D) Strike a bargain for other products.
  Questions 15--18
  l5. (A) A flight over time zones. (B) A loss of one’s characters.
  (C) A symptom of leg problems. (D) A condition of sleep disorders.
  l6. (A) Six hours. (B) Seven hours.
  (C) Eight hours (D) Nine hours.
  l7. (A) Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol.
  (B) Drink as little water as possible between meals
  (C) Take drinks with less Sugar, carbonation or caffeine
  (D) Always have other fluid on the plane.
  l8. (A) Sleep as soon as possible.
  (B) Nap even during daytime.
  (C) Get a good night’s sleep.
  (D) Relax yourself in a cafe.
  Questions 19--22
  l9. (A) He is overweight. (B) He is seriously ill
  (C) He is down with cold. (D) He is hale and hearty
  20. (A) Two (B) Ten.
  (C) twenty (D) Thirty
  2l. (A) It is the best (B) It is nutritious.
  (C) It is not enough (D) It is no healthy.
  22. (A) the man is a heavy smoker
  (B) The man is rather short.’
  (C) The man drives a car
  (D) The man works with a computer.’’
  Questions 23--26
  23. (A) Chainman of the African Club.
  (B) Chainman of the International Club.
  (C) Chainman of the Irish Club.
  (D) Chainman of the Folk Music Club.
  24. (A) Once a week (B) Once a month
  (C) Once a semester (D) Once a year
  25. (A) The minutes of the last meeting.
  (B) The treasurer’s report.
  (C) The Scottish and Irish Folk Dances.
  (D) The International Display Week.
  26. (A) to help the students from the same countries overcome their homesickness and other problems.
  (B) To set up booths decorated with pictures and things of interest in the respective countries.
  (C) To recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes so that every club member can wear their national costume.
  (D) To teach the American students Scottish and Irish folk dances during the special even of the display.
  Que8tions 27--30
  27. (A) In Bath (B) In London.
  (C) In York (D) In the suburbs.
  28. (A) Students live in halls residence around the university buildings.
  (B) Students are encouraged to conduct their independent research project
  (C) Students first live in halls of residence and then are allowed to move out.
  (D) Students can share the common rooms with faculty members.
  29. (A) She couldn’t find a room in the residential hall.
  (B) She could save money to pay for her studies.
  (C) She could mix well with the local people.
  (D) She could live in a comfortable house.
  30. (A) Give her some advice on how to strike a bargain.
  (B) Introduce her to the local people
  (C) Help her with the volunteer work.
  (D) Show her around the ancient cathedral city
  Part C: Listening and Translation
  1. Sentence Translation
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.
  2. Passage Translation
  Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

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