
发布时间:2015-03-30 共4页

 第 4部分:阅读理解 (第 31~45题,每题 3分 ,共 45分)

  第1篇 Researchers Discover Why Humans Began Walking Upright

  31. Which NOT A Many people question the simple human activities of walking and carrying items.

  32. Dr. Richmond conducted the experiment with the purpose of finding B What made our ancestors walk upright.

  33. Kyoto,Universitry’s study discovered that chimpanzees C liked coula nuts better than oil palm nuts.

  34. Why did the chimpanzees walk on two limbs during Kyoto University's experiment? D Because they wanted to carry more nuts with two free limbs.

  35. What can we infer from the reading passage? D Human walking on two legs developed as a means of survival.

  第2篇 Ants Have Big Impact on Environment as "Ecosystem Engineers"

  36 .Why are ants compared to ecosystem engineers?

  C Because their activity affects the environment.

  37. As predators, ants

  A prey on small as well as large animals.

  38. Dir Sanders' study centered on how ants

  D produce such a big impact on the environment.

  39. What does paragraph 6 tell us?

  B Ants bring about a positive influence to an area when their population is small.

  40. What still remains unclear about ants, according to the last paragraph?

  C How do human activities affect ants' influence on a given ecosystem?

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