
发布时间:2012-02-01 共1页

   ... the last + n. + 不定式或定语从句:意为“…最不可能的……”
   例1: She would be the last person to go along with the scheme.
   例2: That's the last thing I'd expect you to do.
   It is asserted that...有人断言...
   It is believed that... 据认为....,人们相信....
   It is considered that...有人认为...
   It is reported that...据报道...
   It is said that...据说....
   It is supposed that...据推测...
   It is told that...据传...
   It appears that看来似乎...,好像...
   It is well known that...众所周知...
   It is estimated that...据估计...
   It was pointed out that...有人指出...
   It is generally accepted that...人们通常认为...,一般认为...,家公认...
   It is alleged that...人们断言...
   It is claimed that...有人主张...,人们要求...
   It cannot be denied that...不可否认
   It has been found that...实践证明
   It is predicted that...据估计...,据预测...
   It is suggested that...有人建议...
   It goes without saying that... 不言而喻,……
   例:It goes without saying that in order to speak good English, we must first of all learn good pronunciation.
   It is common knowledge that… 众所周知,……
   例:It is common knowledge now that Chinese people are very intelligent.
   It occurs to sb. that… (某人) 想起……
   例1: It occurred to me suddenly that I had met him somewhere.
   例2: It occurred to me that she was jealous of me.

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