
发布时间:2011-09-29 共1页

Equivalence Grid between the 7 TEF Levels
and the Council of Europe's 6 Common Reference Levels

TEF levels

superior (Level 6 & Level 5)
Level 6

Total language mastery.
You understand everything you read or listen to in various areas.

You grasp language nuances and interpret complex documents discerningly.
You can express yourself spontaneously, correctly and fluently.
You can give arguments on complex topics.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:
experienced user (C2 & C1)

Level 5

Good language mastery.
You understand complex texts and oral production in detail in situations

where you are speaking professionally or socially.
You express yourself with self-assuredness and precision on various topics.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:


intermediary (Level 4 & Level 3)
Level 4

General language mastery.
You understand detailed information in texts or oral production covering a familiar topic,
be it concrete or abstract.
You express yourself clearly on topics relating to your centre(s) of interest.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:
independent user (B2 & B1)

Level 3

Limited language mastery.
You understand the main gist of texts or oral production,
covering areas
that you are already familiar with or that you can guess.
You express yourself understandably on topics covering everyday life.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:


elementary (Level 2, Level 1 & 0+)
Level 2

Basic language structure mastery.
You understand practical information in daily life as well as simple messages.
You can make yourself understood in situations
that you are already familiar with or that you can guess.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:
elementary user (A2, A1 & 0+)

Level 1

Basic language knowledge.
You understand short phrases if you are already familiar with them
or if they are repeated to you.
You know how to express basic needs.

Council of Europe's Common Reference Levels:

Level 0+

You identify and reproduce isolated words or memorised expressions.

这只是总的叙述, 每个人拿到成绩单的时候,应该会看到一个详细的界定.

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