
发布时间:2012-07-18 共4页



  Basic need


  Everyday Expressions

  n. 玻璃

  A mirror is made of glass.

  n. 玻璃杯

  I drink a glass of milk every day!

  饮料杯 --- a beverage glass

  啤酒杯 --- a beer glass (or a jar mug)

  雪利酒杯 --- a sherry glass

  威士忌酒杯 --- a whisky glass

  白兰地酒杯 --- a Brandy glass (or snifter)

  红葡萄酒酒杯 --- a wine glass

  n. 眼镜 (pl) (也为 spectackes)

  In two weeks, I broke three pairs of glasses! Can you believe it?

  墨镜 --- sun glasses

  花镜 --- reading glasses

  度数深的眼镜 --- strong glasses

  隐形眼镜 --- contact lenses

  近视镜 --- glasses for near-sighted persons (在英语中没有确切的近视镜或远视镜的表达法。

  e.g. A: I wear glasses.

  B: Why?

  A: ‘cause I am near-sighted.


  glassful (一杯的容量);

  glassy (像玻璃那样的);

  glaze (v. 给…镶嵌玻璃/给某物覆盖上薄而亮的表面)


  glass house (温室);

  glassware (总称:玻璃器皿);

  glassworks (玻璃制造厂);

  常见搭配 Useful Phrases

  梳妆小镜(妇女手提包中) --- a vanity glass

  斟满一杯 --- to fill up a glass

  碰杯(祝酒) --- to touch glasses

  生活用语 Street Talks

  A: Could I have a glass of water please?

  B: Sure, make yourself at home.

  A: I’d like to raise my glass to our host! (干杯)

  B: Cheers.

  A: Take another glass, everybody. (再喝一杯; or take another drink)

  B: Let’s drain the glass to the bottom. (让我们一饮而尽。Or Bottoms up!)

  A: Please pour this milk into that glass.

  B: Ok. My pleasure.

  电影对白 Transcripts

  句型 It means seeing life through rose colored glasses. 《情归巴黎》

  I could probably scare us up some champagne a couple of Dixie cups, I’m through withglasses. 《情归巴黎》

  If you’re having trouble sleeping you might want to try to drink a glass of water from the other side. 《西雅图夜未眠》

  谚语 Proverbs

  Women and glass are always in danger. 女人和玻璃,总在危险中。

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