
发布时间:2011-09-29 共1页

  城市里的车越来越多,道路也越发拥挤了,哪怕摆再多的交通信号灯或者标识估计都不能避免交通拥堵的发生。怎么办呢?有创意的人士想出了一个办法:把道路上的所有信号标识都撤掉,让人们自己去决定要怎么行驶、以什么速度行驶,没有约束往往是最厉害的约束。于是,naked street理念就诞生了。 
  Naked street refers to a street that has no signs, road markings, or traffic lights.
  Naked street(裸街)指没有任何交通标识、路标或者信号灯的街道。
  Today, many European cities are doing away not only with traffic lights, but also sidewalks, curbs, signage and painted markings of any kind. The concept, known as naked streets, was pioneered by Dutch engineer Hans Monderman. One of the first municipalities to implement the system was Drachten, a small city with a population of 45,000 and a notoriously congested main intersection. The results have been lauded in progressive urban planning circles: the average car speed dropped, as did the number of accidents.


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