
发布时间:2011-09-29 共1页

  Q: I have two questions. First, do you have any comment on the Kaesong meeting between the DPRK and the ROK? Second, French National Assembly President Accoyer is now in Beijing for a visit. Could you update us on that?     
  答:关于你的第一个问题,作为朝鲜半岛近邻和朝韩双方共同的朋友,中方始终认为,朝韩改善关系,推进和解合作,符合半岛全体人民的共同利益,也有利于本地区和平、稳定与繁荣。中方支持朝韩通过对话解决问题,推进双方和解合作。 英译汉知多少?
  A: On your first question, as a close neighbor to the Korean Peninsula and a friend of both the DPRK and the ROK, China always believes that the improvement of ties as well as the reconciliation and cooperation between the DPRK and the ROK serves the common interest of the people on the Peninsula as well as regional peace, stability and prosperity. China supports the DPRK and the ROK resolve relevant issues through dialogue and strengthen reconciliation and cooperation.    
  关于你的第二个问题,阿夸耶议长是中法建交45 年来第2位访华的法国国民议会议长,中方对此访高度重视。访问期间,吴邦国委员长同他举行了富有成果的会谈,双方签署了中国全国人同法国国民议会建立定期交流机制的备忘录。明天,胡锦涛主席将与他进行会见。相信此访将有助于加强中法两国及两国立法机构之间的友好合作关系,增进相互了解。中方愿与法方继续保持各层次的往来,进一步促进双方互利合作。
  As to your second question, Mr. Accoyer is the second President of the French National Assembly coming to China over the past 45 years of diplomatic ties. China takes his visit very seriously. During his visit, Chairman Wu Bangguo held fruitful talks with him and they signed a memorandum on establishing a mechanism for regular exchanges between China’s National People’s Congress and the French National Assembly. Tomorrow, President Hu Jintao will meet with him. I am convinced that his visit will contribute to boosting friendship, cooperation and mutual understanding between China and France and the two legislative bodies. China is willing to keep exchanges at all levels with France in a bid to enhance mutually-beneficial cooperation.

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