
发布时间:2011-09-29 共4页


How much will the woman pay for the chairs?

[A]$ 150 [B] $85

[c] $115 [D]$170


M: These steel chairs are on sale for $ 85 each or $ 150 for a pair. How many would you like to have?

W: Let me have a look. Oh, good! I think I’d like to have two.

名师精解 抓住“$ 150 for a pair”和“I’d like to have two”这两个有关信息,排除干扰信息“or $ 85 each”的影响,可知[A]是正确答案。




What do we learn from the man’s reply?

[A] He doesn’t care if it is turned off.

[B]He thinks the woman is right.

[C]He is reluctant to turn it off.

[D]He wants the woman to watch the game, too.


W: Do you mind if I turn the TV off?

M: Can’t you see the football match hasn’t finished yet?

W: But the baby is already in bed.

M: Oh, all right. You always get your way.

名师精解 从男士使用的反问句我们可以看出,他对对方提出“turn the TV off”的提议是不情愿的。所以正确答案是[C]。

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