
发布时间:2011-09-29 共4页

  奥巴马在俄罗斯发表演讲 喊话意味十足
  “国际主权应该是国际秩序的奠基石,” 奥巴马在莫斯科新经济学院发表演讲时称,就像所有国家都应该有权选择他们的领导人一样,各国也有权巩固边防和制定他们的外交政策。
  Gostinny Dvor
  Moscow, Russia
  July 7, 2009
  Gostinny Dvor 会展中心
  Thank you so much. Well, congratulations, Oxana. And to the entire Class of 2009, congratulations to you. I don't know if anybody else will meet their future wife or husband in class like I did, but I'm sure that you're all going to have wonderful careers.
  I want to acknowledge a few people who are here. We have President Mikhail Gorbachev is here today, and I want everybody to give him a big round of applause. (Applause.) I want to thank Sergei Gurief, Director of the New Economic School. (Applause.) Max Boiko, their Chairman of the Board. (Applause.) And Arkady Dvorkovich, who is the NES board member, President of the Alumni Association and is doing an excellent job for President Medvedev, because he was in our meeting yesterday. (Applause.)
  我希望向在场的几位致谢。莅会的有米哈伊尔·戈尔巴乔夫(Mikhail Gorbachev)总统,我希望家给予他热烈的掌声。(掌声) 我感谢新经济学院院长谢尔盖·古里埃夫(Sergei Gurief)。(掌声) 学院董事会主席马克斯·博伊科(Max Boiko) 。 (掌声) 学院董事会成员兼校友会会长阿尔卡季·德沃科维奇(Arkady Dvorkovich),他正以出色的表现为梅德韦杰夫(Medvedev)总统工作,他昨天还出席了我们的会谈。(掌声)
  Good morning. It is a great honor for me to join you at the New Economic School. Michelle and I are so pleased to be in Moscow. And as somebody who was born in Hawaii, I'm glad to be here in July instead of January. (Laughter and applause.)
  I know that NES is a young school, but I speak to you today with deep respect for Russia's timeless heritage. Russian writers have helped us understand the complexity of the human experience, and recognize eternal truths. Russian painters, composers, and dancers have introduced us to new forms of beauty. Russian scientists have cured disease, sought new frontiers of progress, and helped us go to space.
  These are contributions that are not contained by Russia's borders, as vast as those borders are. Indeed, Russia's heritage has touched every corner of the world, and speaks to the humanity that we share. That includes my own country, which has been blessed with Russian immigrants for decades; we've been enriched by Russian culture, and enhanced by Russian cooperation. And as a resident of Washington, D.C., I continue to benefit from the contributions of Russians -- specifically, from Alexander Ovechkin. We're very pleased to have him in Washington, D.C. (Applause.)
  尽管俄罗斯幅员辽阔,但这些贡献并未局限在俄罗斯疆界之内。毫无疑问,俄罗斯的传统已传播到世界每一个角落,激发了我们共有的人性。其中也包括我自己的国家,几十年来因俄罗斯移民获益良多;我国获得俄罗斯文化的丰富营养,也因与俄罗斯的合作得到发展。作为首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的居民,我继续获得俄罗斯人的贡献带来的惠益──特别是因为亚力山·奥韦奇金(Alexander Ovechkin)。他住在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,我们非常高兴。(掌声)
  Here at NES, you have inherited this great cultural legacy, but your focus on economics is no less fundamental to the future of humanity. As Pushkin said, "Inspiration is needed in geometry just as much as poetry." And today, I want particularly to speak to those of you preparing to graduate. You're poised to be leaders in academia and industry; in finance and government. But before you move forward, it's worth reflecting on what has already taken place during your young lives.
  在新经济学院,你们继承了这个伟的文化传统。你们尽管以经济为重点,但对人类的未来也同样至关重要。正如普希金所说,“灵感对于几何学,如同灵感对于诗歌一样必不可少。” 今天,我特别希望对即将毕业的同学说一些话。你们即将成为学术界和工业界的领军人,成为金融界和政界的主力。然而,在你们迈出这一步之前,有必要回顾在你们成长期间发生的历史。
  Like President Medvedev and myself, you're not old enough to have witnessed the darkest hours of the Cold War, when hydrogen bombs were tested in the atmosphere, and children drilled in fallout shelters, and we reached the brink of nuclear catastrophe. But you are the last generation born when the world was divided. At that time, the American and Soviet armies were still massed in Europe, trained and ready to fight. The ideological trenches of the last century were roughly in place. Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero-sum game. If one person won, then the other person had to lose.
  And then, within a few short years, the world as it was ceased to be. Now, make no mistake: This change did not come from any one nation. The Cold War reached a conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years, and because the people of Russia and Eastern Europe stood up and decided that its end would be peaceful.
  With the end of the Cold War, there were extraordinary expectations -- for peace and for prosperity; for new arrangements among nations, and new opportunities for individuals. Like all periods of great change, it was a time of ambitious plans and endless possibilities. But, of course, things don't always work out exactly as planned. Back in 1993, shortly after this school opened, one NES student summed up the difficulty of change when he told a reporter, and I quote him: "The real world is not so rational as on paper." The real world is not so rational as on paper.
  随着冷战的结束,人们产生种种殷切的期待── 希望实现和平与繁荣;建立国家间的新秩序,以及为个人提供新机会。如同所有巨变革的时期一样,这是一个展宏图的时代,一个充满无限机会的时代。然而, 任何事物都不可能时时一帆风顺,事事如人心愿。1993年,贵校成立后不久,新经济学院一位学生在接受记者采访时概括了改革的艰难。他说道:“现实的世界并不像书本上那样理性。”现实的世界并不像书本上那样理性。
  Over two tumultuous decades, that truth has been borne out around the world. Great wealth has been created, but it has not eliminated vast pockets of crushing poverty. Poverty exists here, it exists in the United States, and it exists all around the world. More people have gone to the ballot box, but too many governments still fail to protect the rights of their people. Ideological struggles have diminished, but they've been replaced by conflicts over tribe and ethnicity and religion. A human being with a computer can hold the same amount of information stored in the Russian State Library, but that technology can also be used to do great harm.
  在过去动荡的20年中,这种说法的正确性在全世界得到证实。虽然创造出巨额财富,但它并未消除遍布四方的极度贫困。贫困在这里存在,在美国存在,在全世界存在。有更多的人参加了投票,但仍有太多国家的政府仍旧未能保护本国人民的权利。意识形态的斗争逐渐减少,但代之而起的是部落、种族和宗教冲突。一个拥有电脑的人可以拥有与俄罗斯国家图书馆(Russian State Library)等量的信息,但这种技术也可被用于制造严重伤害。
  In a new Russia, the disappearance of old political and economic restrictions after the end of the Soviet Union brought both opportunity and hardship. A few prospered, but many more did not. There were tough times. But the Russian people showed strength and made sacrifices, and you achieved hard-earned progress through a growing economy and greater confidence. And despite painful times, many in Eastern Europe and Russia are much better off today than 20 years ago.

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